I developed the following list to offer information to organizations (i.e. nonprofits, neighborhood groups, local government offices, etc.) interested in working with students on short (1-2 month) or long-term (1-3 year), individual or group projects to address some need in the broader community. Projects - focused broadly on urban/regional planning and food systems - could cover anything from GIS mapping to compiling a summary of best practices across the country, developing a community-based plan or program evaluation, carrying out surveys and interviews in the local community, or other activities. Click on the links below to learn more details about each of the four types of engagement opportunities. None of these descriptions should be considered official - they are my own perspectives. If the opportunity is connected to an official program, please see those contacts and websites to learn more.
Jobs and
Group-Based Professional ProjectsWork with groups of students who need community partners to complete a professional project at the end of their master's programs.
Student-Directed ProjectsPartner with students on their individual exit projects or who self-organize to gain experience with hands-on projects.